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Yoga Class

Early Adolescence

During this stage, children often start to grow more quickly. They will begin to develop body changes. Females can usually observe these changes a few years earlier than males with some starting as early as the age of 8.


Menstruation is when a woman bleeds from her vagina for several days. For most women, this happens every 28 days or so. Your first period is called menarche. The average age to have your first period is 12 to 13, but it can start as early as nine or as late as 16. See your GP if your periods have not started by 17.


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Teenage Health

Young people have a broad range of issues to discover as they transition from childhood to adulthood. They may have to deal with changes to their bodies and feelings while navigating the world of their first relationships and even sexual encounters. If you have any concerns with their transition please raise this with your GP.


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Puberty is the time when a child changes into an adult. Sometimes this is called adolescence. Some people think the things that happen during puberty are really weird, but you can use this book to find out what’s really going on. And who knows, maybe even zombies go through puberty!


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Talk to your local GP or book an appointment with us


Dr Shin Li How

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